SAILING FEES: Drummoyne Sailing Club uses the Australian Sailing Revolutioise Sport platform to manage our membership database and registration system. This also allows our sailing members to access the Australian Sailing mySailor system to get a consolidated view of all their sailing qualifications and certificates, and update their details. Everyone who sails regularly at DSC should be a Registered Sailor. Boat owners/skippers will need to pay Race Fees for all fleets they sail in. Race fees also include the contribution to the club’s Capital Fund.


Sailing Fees p.a.

BOAT STORAGE: On-site boat storage is available subject to space and conditional on the boat owner being a DSC member, the boat being of a class supported by the DSC and that it competes regularly in scheduled Club events. Failure to comply will result in the owner being directed to remove their boat from the Club premises. Owners will be charged an annual fee which is non-refundable and is for a financial year (July to June) or part thereof. Storage is subject to the terms of the Boat Storage Agreement.


Boat Storage Fees p.a.


All adult sailors will also need to be current members of DSC and have a valid membership card. This year the club membership may also be paid for during sailor registration. New members will need to complete the application form and present this at the club’s front desk.

By registering to sail at DSC you will also be registered with Australian Sailing by virtue of DSC being an affiliated club. This automatically fulfills your obligation under Racing Rules of Sailing and gives you immediate access to mySailor and the other ancillary benefits Australian Sailing offers. If you have registered with AS previously you will need your Australian Sailing Number and Renew, otherwise register as a new sailor.