On the 13th and 14th of February Drummoyne Sailing club hosted the second round of the NSW Sabot State Titles. In total 44 boats competed over the two days. Drummoyne had six 1up sailors competing and one 2up boat. A huge congratulations to all our DSC sailors who competed in the series.
Results 1ups.
10th Simon Clayton – Adams in Stinger
15 Eve Doolan in iBoat
33rd Joshua Green in Blue Bottle
34th Liam Babb in Fast N Furious
36th Sarah Doolan in Swordfish
40th Alex Clark in Spitfire
Results two ups
Ella Babb and Mary Lou Doolan took out 2nd overall in Wheres Wally.
A huge thank you also needs to go out to all the volunteers and parents both on and off the water who helped out over the weekend to make the regatta run so smoothly.
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